Diseases Your Pet Can Catch from Pests

Diseases Your Pet Can Catch from Pests

If you have a particularly naughty dog or cat, who just about makes up for their behavior in loveliness, you will likely be aware that your pet can catch a range of diseases by simply eating suspicious food.

Unfortunately, there are many diseases pets are susceptible to that can turn out to be incredibly harmful to their health and wellbeing.

Many of these diseases are carried by pests or transmitted by the mess that pests can make around the home.

Here are some of the diseases to watch out for, so you can hopefully stay vigilant in protecting your loveable companion from harm.

Seeking Professional Help

If you feel like your home may already be subject to a pest infestation, it might be well worth your time to seek out some expert control services like the ones on offer at proactivepestsolutions.com.au in order to stop the spread and reduce the risk of danger as soon as possible.

This can also be a good approach when trying to prevent the disease from affecting you and your pet throughout the infestation process.


This is a disease that can be spread by rodents, which can be an important factor to remember when dealing with a rat infestation. It can be contracted through water and by making contact with infected animals.

The disease can be deadly in some cases and also has the ability to affect humans. To minimize your pet’s risk of contracting the disease, you might wish to take the preemptive approach and take them to be vaccinated against the various strains.

If your pet is more susceptible to contracting diseases due to the nature of its breed, it might be worth making the vaccination a somewhat regular occurrence.


Ringworm is an infectious disease that can be contracted by coming into direct contact with certain types of fungi. It can also be spread by pests carrying the disease should your pet come into contact with them at any point.

While the disease is not life-threatening, it can be exceptionally uncomfortable to deal with, as it can cause skin irritation and itchiness.

Thankfully, over-the-counter solutions are available should you wish to treat it as soon as possible. It is worth making sure you remember to practice cleanliness when coming into contact with your pet, as there is a possibility it can spread to you.

Lyme Disease

Spread by ticks, Lyme disease can be immensely dangerous to your pet if left to take hold over time.

Some of the symptoms include sluggishness, vomiting, and diarrhea. To keep your pet protected against ticks, you can regularly check for them after your pet has spent time outside for any lengthy periods of time. You may wish to apply preventative measures in the sprays or collars designed to protect against ticks jumping on your pet.

If you manage to discover one lurking around on your pet, it is important to remove it carefully as damaging the tick might increase the risk of further disease.

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